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Welcome to the brand better blog
The space where you’ll learn how to well, brand better.


Copy Magic Brand Launch
We are so excited to launch Copy Magic, Valeska Griffiths's brand!

Superhero Skin+Care Brand Launch
We are so excited to launch @doctordjsims's brand! Superhero Skin+Care is all about not letting your skin hide the bold, powerful woman that

Michelle Riddle's Branding Experience - Our Children's Future by Brand Better
Michelle Riddle's Branding Experience - Our Children's Future by Brand Better

Fab Fertile Launch
We are so excited to launch Fab Fertile! Fab Fertile supports couples who are struggling with infertility to get pregnant naturally. The...

Perfect Practice launch
We're so excited to launch Perfect Practice! The Perfect Practice Mentorship is your key to health, emotional, time, geographic &...

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