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meet sim2grow

 The sim2grow vision is to bring together innovation in simulation best practices and technology for undergraduate nursing programs.

If my brand had a wardrobe, what would it wear?

Sneakers and scrubs

Is there an actor/actress who would be perfect to play your brand? Why?

Not an actress, but a character.... Mary Poppins/Nanny McFee— straightforward no-nonsense person, comes in unobtrusively, shows you how to fix the problem and then leaves because she knows that you can do it alone—you don’t need her (us) anymore!

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"can-do attitude"
casual side of professional

brand style

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Kateri's branding experience

There’s a reason our clients call us “miracle-workers” and “magic makers” for our ability to capture ideas and turn them into a reality.

Download our Work With Us Guide to see how we can help you bring your idea to life.

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